Appraisal=Appreciation :)

Hi Good day ppl,
Appraisal time coming up? What does Appraisal for you mean?

This newsletter again from Simpletruths echoed my own thoughts.

For me its assessing ones good, bad & can be improved qualities with your senior. Its a time to really appreciate what has been done, keeping in mind what should not be done & how you can improve on the good things.

Read on:

Dear Nilima,

William James, one of the founders of modern psychology said this:

"The deepest principle of human nature is a craving to be appreciated."

I couldn't agree more, and in fact, we never know when a few kind words can change a life forever.

That's what The Simple Truths of Appreciation is all about. You'll find great stories and great ideas about how to make family members, and members of your team, feel valuable and appreciated. You'll discover ways you can make a difference; thus, make the world a better place to live.

Today, I'd like to share an unforgettable story about the power of appreciation. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did!

Excerpt from
The Simple Truths of Appreciation, by Barbara Glanz

My friend, Bob Danzig, has an amazing story. Simple words of appreciation and encouragement changed his life. Bob was in five foster homes during his youth, and said he spent his childhood trying to find someone to love and appreciate him.

When he was nine years old, he had a new social worker. He said after she had done all the paperwork to move him to yet another foster home, she sat him down, looked him directly in the eyes, and said, "Bobby, I want you to always remember these words: YOU ARE WORTHWHILE!"

Bob says that no one had ever said anything like that to him, and each time they met, she repeated those words. They became an affirmation of appreciation that he heard over and over again in his head.

Bob graduated at sixteen, not because he was smart, he says, but because he got mixed up in the system!

He soon took a job at the Albany New York Times as a copy boy, and his very first boss was a woman named Margaret. After he had worked there about six months, Margaret called him into her office one day and asked him to sit down. He thought for sure he was going to be fired! She looked him right in the eyes and said to him, "I have been the office manager for 15 years - I have been observing you - and I believe YOU ARE FULL OF PROMISE." Those words, on that day, gave him permission to aspire.

Those two positive messages of appreciation played over and over again in his head and ultimately gave him the courage to be the very best he could be. Sixteen years later he became the Publisher of the Albany New York Times, and seven years after that, he became CEO of Hearst Newspapers, one of the largest newspaper companies in the world; and he credits it all to those simple words of appreciation and love. What a wonderful example of how little gifts of appreciation can make such a difference in a life!

I love stories that our hearts can appreciate and this is one of many in this great little book!

:) All The best & always remember You are God's Masterpiece. Say it to yourself:
'I am me & I am the best'

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